Near B division Police Station, Toru Road, Chattu Chowk, Mardan
Phone: +92 (0) 937 845012 Email:


The purpose of this Website is to provide information to those seeking admission in the Al-Fajar College of Nursing, (Al-fajar Institute of Health Sciences) Mardan in degree Nursing Program namely Generic BSN. The information provided is subject to change as per policies of Pakistan Nursing Council (PNC), Khyber Medical University (KMU) and the College (ACN), without any notice or obligation. The right of Al-Fajar College of Nursing, Mardan to alter terms and conditions given in this booklet at any point in time cannot be challenged in any court of law.

Our Vision

The vision of Al-Fajar College of Nursing Mardan is to progress as a state of the art Nursing College that advances modern methods of a cademi c excellence & community health care, becoming a major source of nursing educaon in the country.

Our Mission

The mission of the Al-Fajar College of Nursing Mardan is to improve the quality of the life for individuals and society by promong health, prevenng and curing disease, advancing nursing research and educaon for tomorrow's nurses and health researchers.


  • ACN offers suficient and highly qualiied faculty with diverse experience.
  • ACN will adopt modern diverse teaching and learning methodologies through a rigorous training process in collaboration with Public and Private sector teaching hospitals.


  • Al-Fajar College of Nursing Mardan (ACN) is registered with Pakistan Nursing Council (PNC), Islamabad for Generic BSN (4-year) Program.
  • The institute is afiliated with Khyber Medical University, Peshawar (KMU) & Higher Education Regularity Authority (HERA) & Clinical Afiliation with Akbar Medical Complex Mardan (AMC).