Near B division Police Station, Toru Road, Chattu Chowk, Mardan
Phone: +92 (0) 937 845012 Email:

Admission Policy & Procedure

  • After interview, the selected candidates will be contacted through phone calls and text message for submission of fee/dues and required documents. No candidate will be admitted unless he/she has paid the fee and other dues.
  • All dues must be paid by the due date (within one week of interview), otherwise the admission of defaulting students will be cancelled and next candidate on merit list will be considered for admission.
  • All certicates or any other documents submitted with the application form will be subject to verication. Any candidate whose documents are found incorrect/forged, or has provided incorrect data, rendering him/her ineligible for admission under the rules, will be struck off from the college roll and legal action may be taken under the criminal and civil law against him/her.
  • Upon admission, students will have to submit all the original documents in the ACN Students Affairs Section. The documents will be returned on completion of the course
  • A written application for cancellation of admission with suitable reasons will be required if any selected student wants to cancel his/her admission at any stage of the program.
  • The students will have to sign a legal stamp paper (specimen will be provided), conrming that in case of leaving the college due to any reason, at any stage, he/she will not claim for fee refund. In addition, all of the remaining semester's fee of all semesters will be charged as penalty from the student.